The Best Things Come in Pairs

The Best Things Come in Pairs
by Cindy C Bennett

I'm not sure that I'd want to receive a pair of turtle doves, whether for Christmas or otherwise, but I do think great things come in pairs. Think about it, every great love story have a pair of lovers for you to root for. You have a pair of feet to walk on, a pair of hands to make your life easier, a pair of eyes to view the beauty of the world. A pair of ears helps to hear sounds. A pair of arms to let others know how much you care for them. A pair of lips to kiss the one you love.

For me personally, pairs seem to be good luck. I have a pair of sons a pair of daughters, and a pair of daughters-in-law. I only have one son-in-law for now, but eventually I'll have a pair of them. I also have a pair of new grandbabies. I have a sister which makes us a pair, a pair of brothers, and a pair of sisters-in-law. I co-own Creative Prose Publishing with Sherry Gammon which means a pair of us help keep things running. I had a pair of dogs for years until a pair of years ago when a third was added (and who is totally my baby).

So while I might not want a pair of turtle doves living in my house, I do love all the pairs I have that bless my life. I'm very grateful for each and every one of them!

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Cindy C Bennett is the author of several YA books in genres ranging from contemporary to paranomal to fantasy to speculative fiction. Visit to read more about her and her books.

Cindy's Books
The End of Feeling * Heart on a Chain * Geek Girl * Rapunzel Untangled * Enchanted Fairytales * A Fantasy Christmas * Immortal MineThe Experiment * Whispers of Razari * It's a Love Thing * Screams in the Night

Thank you for stopping by,

Creative Prose Publishing

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