TUNNELS series - First 3 books released Today

The TUNNELS series is debuting with the first 3 books in the series available as of today, November 2nd, on Amazon in paperback and digital.

An odyssey through once banned books such as Treasure Island and Huck Finn starts the adventure off in NICK BAZEBAHL AND THE FORBIDDEN TUNNELS. This series is great fun for kids ages 8 – 12.

Nick slides down a strange tunnel and begins a mission to save classic heroes like Jim, Huck and even Harry Potter (I was surprised to learn of all the books that have made it onto someone’s banned books list).

In book 2, NICK BAZEBAHL AND THE RED TUNNELS, Nick and his friend Samantha race to accomplish overwhelming tasks in scenes from familiar tales like Red Riding Hood and Where the Red Fern Grows.

In book 3, NICK BAZEBAHL AND THE WORMHOLE TUNNELS, Nick and Sam get a chance to create their own science-fiction adventures as they “tunnel” into outer space and face off with aliens.

The paperbacks are $6.99 and the kindles are $2.99.


To celebrate the upcoming publication and translation into German of one of my books I have lowered the prices of all of my ebooks to $2.99 and $.99.
Go to AMAZON to check out paperbacks and kindles.